Friday, June 26, 2009

Day Seven and Eight - Ein Gev

Generally very good roads the highway system in Israel can go from a speedy two or three lane racetrack to a round-about slowing traffic down to a standstill or worse, two or three lanes for many kilometers and then suddenly a stoplight. The round-abouts seem to really confuse everyone and is like two people getting into a revolving door at the same time taking baby steps until reemergence.

Armed with our maps and GPS we once again hit the road cutting off the streamline 79 onto a more pedestrian 754 through the of Moshav of Kafr Kana and then onto another main artery to Tiberias, (the main city on Lake Knerret) Highway 77. The 754 twists and turns through Jewish and Arab sections and Nick and I constantly were asking ourselves if we were still on it.
City planning is not exactly been the hallmark of Israeli Moshevs. Things are where they are because that’s where someone wanted it. The dust of the dry Mediterranean climate attaches itself to everything and mixing this with grim of auto exhaust casts a dark shadow on buildings generally made of concrete, concrete block or more traditional stone.

Kafr Kana seems typical of a lot of Moshevs with a confluence of Jewish, Arabic and Western signs and people. Make no mistake about it this is the Middle East.

With only one slight wrong turn off the highway in Tiberias we arrived at the Sea of Galilee surrounded by tall rolling hills. Winding our way down the streets of Tiberas shopping and resort atmosphere we turned south on Highway 90 and then north on 92 to our destination of the east side of the Lake in a Kibbutz operated resort called Ein Gev.

With scorching 100 degree plus days we rested here for two days taking advantage of the spectacular setting.

Ein Gev sunset on Lake Knerret. Fireworks and disco carried across the lake from Tiberias on the western shore

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