Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th Hydra Greece

It’s now July 5th and we are on the island of Hydra in Greece and I am skipping forward a bit because…well because I can. (I will come back to fill in as I think about it.) Internet access is limited in Hydra to the cafes on the port and only up to a certain time of the evening. Hydra is a small island with no cars, bikes or motor vehicles of any kind. Your choice to get around is by water taxi, walking or donkey. The narrow cobblestone streets are alleys not exactly suitable for cars anyway. Consequently the modern sounds are limited to motor boats, cell phones and the rattle of suitcase wheels. The modern world disappears for the most part with the clack of mule hooves on stone, the church bell rings at each hour amid the passionate voices of Greek rising and falling with the wave of expressive motion. Like Hebrew it is an ancient language made modern. To say this is a laid back country is hardly giving it all.

I did our laundry in the hotel bathroom sink and hung it out to dry along the alley. Why use a washing machine when there is so much time to do nothing. The contrast to rev up Israel, Greek life seems to be an ongoing every day vacation. It’s fitting in the sweltering heat and dry air. Everything slows down and the Port in Hydra is full of people all day and all night at the cafés. Seriously people here know how to socialize. This is not just the tourists it’s the whole family who drink, play backgammon, talk and smoke. Lot’s of smokers here.

The port is run by ruddy old Greek men who are as fit as Americans half their age. The combination of the Med food, easy going lifestyle and hands on jobs make for healthier aging despite the smoking.

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