Tuesday, August 10, 2010

London Part 2 - The US Embassy

August 2, 2010…Constable Beaton is a tall blond man with empathy that made explanation of the evening’s events easier. He took copious notes. Did the pub have CCTV? Do you remember seeing anyone suspicious? What time did it all take place? What did she have in her purse that was stolen? His hat sat on the seat next to him. He wore a bullet proof vest but carried no firearm. “London is one of the safest cities in the world,” he explained in a cockney accent. “Unfortunately there are elements that make a living stealing pocket books and purses.”

We had immediately called Bank of America and Chase to notify them of the stolen cards. Amazingly they already detected illegal activity with attempts nearby in Notting Hill and Bayswater to advance cash at ATM machines. Operators were available 24/7 and could access and cancel the card information immediately. Contacting the UK bank and cell phone company was not so easy and it took several attempts by phone. Once we connected Barclay’s couldn’t locate Rebecca’s account in their records and Orange couldn’t see if any attempts were made on using the phone. Notifying the US Embassy proved entirely fruitless. No one answered the 24 hour emergency number.

All this put something of a bad spin on what was so far a good experience. Rebecca arrived on June 14 and looked at the apartment another woman by chance was vacating. She got the apartment no problem and it’s a great 1 bedroom with a modern kitchen and bath. She figured out how to get to work on the 94 bus she picks up at Lancaster Gate at Hyde Park, just a few blocks away. Work started out well. The office is located in the heart of Soho with lots of interesting sights and restaurants.

Monday, we spent the morning at the US Embassy. It was a four hour ordeal first getting lost trying to find it and then waiting for her number to be called.

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